Immigrating To New Zealand Visas – How we can help you
Our client services explained:
There are four service levels we offer Tri-Nations Migration clients. Our primary goal is to facilitate the Immigrating To New Zealand process on behalf of our clients to ensure their New Zealand residence is approved, however, we also service our clients’ needs with respect to employment search, business investment and support networks.

Immigrating To New Zealand
How we can help you
New Zealand Immigration Advice
We advise clients of their eligibility under current Government Instructions for both Australia and New Zealand. Having decided on the most cost effective and efficient course of action in conjunction with our clients, we prepare their applications to the required standard for lodgement and liaise directly with Australian DOHA Immigration New Zealand. The typical categories for residence are:
Skilled Migrant
A revised Skilled Migrant category (SMC) will become effective from 9 October 2023. New Zealand welcomes Skilled Migrants to grow and diversify its population. Migrants are a cornerstone of the country’s economic policy. Assuming that you meet character and health criteria, you may be eligible to apply for one of the following visas, depending on your individual circumstances.
Business Migrants
Significant Investor Visas
Assessments are conducted based on an applicant’s age, business experience and investment funds. Pre-requisites exist based on English language ability, health and character. The point of selection fluctuates according to each country’s respective immigration quotas and the number of applicants lodging an application for residence. Investors are sought by New Zealand and in addition to investment funds, one requires sufficient funds for resettlement. We look forward to attending to your personal enquiry on a strictly confidential basis.
We work in close consultation with Government Departments, Trade and Enterprise NZ, Biz Info branches located nationwide (a central government funded scheme), Chambers of Commerce, and Local Authorities New Business Development initiatives.
Other contacts include business brokers advertising businesses for sale and Franchising organisations, for people seeking to purchase a franchise.
Support Networks
Being an international, multi-disciplinary immigration consultancy, we are well placed to provide post-migration services to Tri-Nations Migration clients, including introductions to banks, schools, professional services, real estate and insurance companies. In some instances, we can recommend the assistance of Tri-Nations Migration nominated service providers to advise on the sale of your property, the safe transport of your personal possessions overseas, the safe transfer of your funds internationally and the purchase of air travel at a rate less than the lowest advertised price in the market.
As mentioned above, our services extend to opening a bank account prior to your departure (no initial deposit necessary), and obtaining a personal tax number through the relevant country’s tax department. We advise clients on the issue of a local driver’s licence and the qualifying criteria for this.
With regard to our support structures and networks, you are welcome to utilise these services as much or as little as you deem necessary. Remember that as a ‘boutique style’ immigration consultancy, we have a genuine interest in seeing you settle happily in your new country of residence.